1.1 To be called the Early Falcon Car Club of Victoria
1.2 Club colours to be blue and white.
2.1 The object of the club is to promote restoration, modification and preservation of early model Falcons 1960-1966.
2.2 This club is a non-profit organisation.
3.1 A committee of 7 to be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of 12 months. The committee to consist of President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Public Relations Officer plus 2 Committee.
3.2 The committee shall have the power to co-opt any person. Co-opted members shall not have voting rights on the committee.
3.3 The committee to be the body which determines all matters pertaining to the club.
3.4 Quorum at committee meetings shall be 50% of committee plus one.
3.5 Any committee member absent from 3 successive meetings shall vacate their position for the current term unless leave of absence has been obtained. The Committee shall have the power to fill any position which becomes vacant during the current term.
3.6 The Committee shall have power to elect delegates to affiliated bodies. Such delegates must report to the first Committee meeting following the delegates’ meeting. Delegates must vote as Committee directs.
3.7 Each Committee member shall have one vote, except the President who shall have one personal vote and a casting vote.
3.8 All Sub-Committees are to be under the control of the elected Committee.
3.9 The Committee shall have the power to expel any Club member.
4. In the case of an emergency when the whole Committee cannot attend or be contacted, an Executive Committee shall be authorised to make any decision pertaining to Club matters and that any decisions must be reported to the next Committee meeting.
4.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Treasurer and Secretary.
5.1 President shall preside over all Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings, Special General Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. The President shall have a personal vote and a casting vote at all meetings.
5.2 Vice President shall substitute for the President in his absence and adopt all rights of the President.
5.3 i Honorary Secretary shall carry out all directions given at any Committee Meeting of the Club, receive all correspondence, prepare an agenda and take minutes of Committee, Special General, Executive and Annual General Meetings and notices for same.
ii Honorary Secretary shall have custody of membership records, minute books of meetings and the common seal of the Incorporated Association and is its authorised signatory.
5.4 i Honorary Treasurer shall receive all moneys paid to the Club and will deposit same in the Club bank account under the name of “THE EARLY FALCON CAR CLUB OF VICTORIA” and shall issue receipts for all moneys received and pay all accounts passed for payment by the Committee.
ii Honorary Treasurer shall have custody of deposit, cheque book and bank investment certificates.
iii Honorary Treasurer shall produce a statement of receipts and expenditure at any time required by the Committee and an audited report at the Annual General Meeting.
5.5 All cheques are to be signed by any of the following - President, Secretary or Treasurer.
6.1 All members must be given 21 days notice of alteration or amendments to this Constitution and Purposes. These may be dealt with at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for this purpose. A three quarter majority vote is necessary to alter or rescind any clause of this Constitution or Purpose.
7.1 All members shall be elected ordinary members.
7.2 New and existing members are to pay an annual subscription of $50.00.
7.3 Members must be financial to vote at Annual General and Special Meetings.
7.4 Membership fees should be paid to the Treasurer annually on due date.
7.5 The Club will derive its source of funds from the membership in form of entrance fees and subscriptions.
7.6 Life Membership can be granted to members who in the opinion of the Club have given extraordinary service to the Club. Such elected to be nominated and seconded at an Annual General Meeting and passed by at least a three quarter majority vote.
8.1 i Must be held no later than first Tuesday in August.
ii Quorum at Annual General Meeting shall be 10 members.
iii Notice of meeting and the business to be transacted to be forwarded by post to all financial members 21 days prior to the date of the meeting.
8.2 All matters pertaining to the rules of the Club shall be decided by a simple majority of Members voting at the Meeting.
8.3 The agenda shall include:-
(a) A determination of Subscription.
(b) An audited report from the Honorary Treasurer.
(c) Election of office-bearers for the Committee.
(d) Books and documents will be made available for inspection by the members.
(e) Any other business as determined by the Committee.
9.1 May be called at any time by the Committee provided all voting members are given 21 days prior notice and are advised of the purpose of the meeting.
9.2 The Committee shall at any time call a Special General Meeting on the requisition of 50% of members, stating the business of which it is required.
10.1 Shall not be permitted at any meeting held at the Club; Annual General Meeting, Special General Meeting or Executive Meeting.
11.1 The Committee shall have the power to determine Club Rules which shall be abided by all members.
11.2 THE EARLY FALCON CAR CLUB OF VICTORIA will not be held responsible for any personal injuries, lost or damaged property or any legal matters, while on Club Functions, runs, etc. Participation is at own risk.
11.3 It is a member’s responsibility to make sure he or she has a copy of the current constitution.
11.4 Person caught doing deliberate burnouts, wheelies, etc. will be fined $20.00 unless it is a legally organised event.
12.1 The Committee shall determine which bank is to be selected.
13.1 The Committee of the Club shall be deemed to be the Trustees of the Club, to hold any property, real and personal belonging to the Club, unless otherwise allocated.
14.1 The Club shall be dissolved if
(a) A resolution to this effect is carried by a three quarters majority at a General Meeting, twenty eight days notice of the proposed resolution having been given to all members.
(b) Financial Membership drops to 7 or less.
14.2 In the event of a Dissolution of the Club all funds shall be donated to a charity designated at the Final Meeting.
14.3 Property to a designated Club, or auctioned off.
15. If a member of the EARLY FALCON CAR CLUB OF VICTORIA brings a friend on a run, he or she is responsible for him or her.
16. Convoys will be organised on the day of the event.

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